Your opinion as an Education Agent, can help Study NSW & ISEEA to make the future of your students much better!
ISEAA is the voice of Education agents in Australia and in 2022 the Board, the Strategy, the Marketing, and the Member & Sponsors Sub Committees will strive to increase its membership base to achieve its place amongst the leading key industry professional bodies in Australia, thus ensuring a place at the table where decision about the post COVID International Education industry is determined.
The success of ISEAA will be based on the directors and subcommittees' ability to Listen to members, to Consult with members and to Keep members informed.
This Survey will play a significant role in assisting Study NSW to understand the sector and for ISEAA to ignite the Fase1: agent Certification! We will be delighted to tell you more about Fase 1 and how it will be designed to evolve our industry.
So Please, take ONE MINUTE of your time and let us know you better!